Sunday 1 February 2015

Venus Factor
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Science has now discovered that virtually everything to do with weight loss for both men and women is controlled by one master hormone.
This hormone that controls 100% of your body’s ability to burn fat is Leptin.
You may not know how Leptin works, so let me quickly explain:
High levels of Leptin speed up your metabolism and signal your body to burn fat and low levels of Leptin slow down your metabolism and signal your body to store fat. Those are the basics, now get ready for some surprising facts regarding Women and Leptin.
Researchers recently discovered that women naturally have twice as much of the fat burning hormone Leptin in their body compared to men.
That’s the good news!
However, brand new research revealed the following bad news that explains why women can struggle so much to lose unattractive body fat and keep it off:


Women can be 3 times less responsive to Leptin’s signal to burn fat than men. This means even though women have a lot more Leptin they just aren’t using its fat burning potential. This condition is known as “Leptin Resistance”. An obvious sign of Leptin resistance is the soft, squishy, cottage-cheese looking fat found in your problem areas. However, Leptin Resistance is just 1 of 2 unique problems that kills female fat loss.


The second unique problem women face with Leptin is that when dieting, your Leptin levels can drop twice as much and twice as fast compared to when men diet. As talked about, when Leptin drops your metabolism hits the brakes and slows right down. This is exactly why you experience frustrating weight loss plateaus on diets so much faster than men.
And have you ever suffered from that terrible rebound weight gain after you stop a diet?
Well that’s because your Leptin dropped significantly making your metabolism even slower than before you started the diet, resulting in fat piling back on even when you’re eating next to nothing.
So, to quickly recap:
Unique problem #1 you face when trying to lose weight is your “resistance” or “insensitivity” to Leptin’s signal to burn fat which is basically like having your body’s fat burning switch set to OFF.
And unique problem #2 you face is the rapid drop in your Leptin levels when you diet which slows down your metabolism substantially and leads to frustrating weight loss plateaus and massive rebound weight gain.
Not Fun!
Fact is evolution has made it much more difficult for women to lose weight by keeping Leptin’s signal to burn fat ‘disconnected’
Because of the demands of child bearing, and child nurturing. Your body doesn’t know or care about your desires for a sexy waistline that looks hot in those skinny jeans.
All it knows is the unattractive body fat you’re carrying provides stored energy and warmth to ensure protection and survival of the next generation.
With this being the case...
...guess what happens with your Leptin issues following pregnancy!?
Well, they get a lot worse which is exactly why losing that baby weight can be painstakingly difficult, as my sister Lisa knew all too well.
You see, your body is hardwired to fight a losing battle with Leptin every single time you attempt to lose weight. And I’m sure you can now truly understand why this is totally not your fault.
Yet, this is where it gets really interesting. Recall the good news researchers discovered:
You naturally have twice as much Leptin as a man.
This, as odd as it sounds...
...means you have much more fat burning potential than men... it’s just almost completely UNTAPPED... it’s like your genetics have been playing a cruel trick on you!
Yet, what if I told you there is a solution to turn the tables on your genetics by reseting the way your body utilizes Leptin to turn your fat burning switch all the way on, and never let it drop again.
Can you imagine how much faster and easier you'll lose weight when you have your master fat burning hormone working in overdrive for you instead of against you? The difference is like night and day!
Can you picture how much firmer and flatter your stomach becomes and how much tighter and sexier you look and feel?
Well, you can make this your reality starting today just like all of the real, everyday women you’ve been seeing have. There is now a solution proven to deliver these spectacular results.


Metabolic override consists of simple, yet extremely powerful strategies that hold the key to unleashing your full fat burning potential that your genetics has kept locked away your whole life.
These totally unique strategies have transformed Lisa and her friends... and now countless hundreds of women have experienced the same shocking, life-changing results. The tried, true and proven metabolic override strategies have now been honed into one guaranteed plan for female fat loss.
I’d like to introduce you to what really is the future of female fat loss.
The Venus Factor is the first and only weight loss plan designed to dramatically increase female metabolism and bring out the sexy goddess in you by delivering fast, long term, enjoyable fat loss...
Without restricting the foods you crave most, without working yourself in some death trap contraption, and most certainly WITHOUT working against your body so your fat loss process becomes simple, and even ENJOYABLE.
This female fat loss blueprint will work for you even if you have little to no time, terrible genetics like Lisa and I, a super slow metabolism, a thyroid condition or even if you think you’ve tried everything.
Now, let me tell you what The Venus Factor is NOT so you know what you’re about to experience.
It is NOT another fad, restrictive, or difficult diet that inevitably results in:
  • Uncontrollable food cravings
  • Frustrating plateaus
  • Diminished energy and fatigue
  • A damaged, slower, fat storing metabolism
Or at best, temporary weight loss with piles of embarrassing rebound weight gain to follow.

Generic diets for men have set your metabolism up to fail enough.

It’s time for a solution that truly works with your female metabolism instead of against it to ensure your success.
When your metabolism’s fat burning switch is turned on using The Venus Factor strategies that have been proven and perfected with thousands of women just like you, you can expect the exact opposite experience of other diets.
  • No food cravings
  • No plateaus
  • An astonishingly faster, fat burning metabolism
  • Fat loss from female problem areas like your stomach, hips, butt and thighs
All while your energy soars, your weight rapidly decreases and you finally have the freedom to claim the life and body you absolutely deserve.
The Venus Factor is a super easy to follow 12 week nutrition plan that shows you exactly what to do step by step to create a new, fat burning metabolism. You’ll discover things like:
  • Surprising foods that damage Leptin sensitivity and make losing even a single pound next to impossible for women. Watch how fast the weight falls off in the first 2 weeks of the program when you simply eliminate these processed and soy foods.
  • The one cheat food trick that spikes female metabolism and keeps your Leptin sky-high. This is the only way for women to burn fat around the clock... even when you’re sound asleep. Once you learn this secret, you’ll never look at fat loss the same way again.
  • The one vital nutrient for weight loss almost all women are exceptionally deficient in. Raise this one nutrient starting today and immediately increase your fat burning and skyrocket your energy levels.
  • The one odd herb recently proven to accelerate female fat loss by increasing Leptin sensitivity a whopping 52%!

And now what women find most remarkable:

The groundbreaking Venus Factor Virtual Nutritionist that shows you exactly what to eat and when for the next 12 weeks to disintegrate fat from your problem areas. Your Virtual Nutritionist is designed to help make every 10 pounds you lose look like 20 by burning fat from where you visually need to most.
As you can probably tell, The Venus Factor was developed to take female fat loss to another level. And fast. In fact, hundreds of women report inches vanishing from their problem areas within weeks and they have the startling pictures you’re seeing to prove it...
...which is amazing considering they’re experiencing these rapid results while still enjoying their favorite foods like pizza, pasta, ice cream, and chocolate at the perfect times to accelerate female fat loss.
Now look, before we go any further, it’s important for me to be 100% honest and upfront with you.
If you’re looking for that magic weight loss answer, or if you just want this week’s celebrity fad diet... or some gimmick deep down you already know will never work, The Venus Factor is not for you.
The Venus Factor is only for Women that are ready to put down the gimmick answers in order to follow a proven, flavorful step by step system for weight loss.
So, if you want the real answer to female weight loss...
...and if you want to get the bikini body you desire without damaging your metabolism, or spending endless hours in the gym and sacrificing your favorite foods or red wine to do it, then The Venus Factor isn’t just “a system” for you...
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Now, you may believe a one of a kind system that delivers all of this will be extremely expensive.
And truth be told, it really should be considering the countless hundreds of women it’s transformed so quickly when nothing else worked. And of course when my hourly consulting fee for the biggest supplement companies in the world is over $500.00 it’s only natural to think a system that I’ve poured years of my life into creating might be unaffordable.
However, it’s not. I only felt right by making The Venus Factor affordable for every woman that needs to lose weight so don’t worry. I’ll get to the price in just a moment. First I need to make you aware of something.
You’re not just receiving The Venus Factor today. Nope, just for reading this page, I’m going to give you absolutely free of charge a special bonus valued at $297 called The Venus Factor Workouts to help you lose weight even faster.
And listen, this program leaves no stone unturned. I’m including 143 premium video coaching lessons so you have every advanced tip and trick there is to maximize female fat loss. This is way beyond anything you could ever dream to find from a personal trainer. The entire Venus Factor Workouts and all of the 143 video coaching lessons are 100% free today so that I am with you every step of the way to ensure your success.
This 12 week female fat loss exercise program is a perfect complement to your main program because most women that workout are unknowingly ruining their results using strategies designed for men instead of following a system proven to match a woman’s hormonal environment. This program uses unique exercises to match your hormonal state to target, strengthen and tone your softest areas, and eradicate cellulite from them while accelerating your fat loss results.
Inside you’ll discover things like:
  • Why your workout needs to be much shorter and way less intense than a man’s in order to burn fat optimally
  • The exact exercises women should never do because they actually stall fat loss and make cellulite worse. And you’ll be happy to know this includes eliminating long, useless cardio
  • Unique, easy exercises you can do from home to boost your metabolism, significantly increase Leptin sensitivity, kill cellulite, and maximize your fat loss
Now, as crazy as this sounds, I’m not even going to charge my 1 hour rate of $500.00 for The Venus Factor in which I’m also including this $297 bonus absolutely free for you today. Nope, I promised you I was going to make this affordable for every woman that needs to lose weight and I meant it. That’s why you’re not even going to pay half of that.
Your total investment to own The Venus Factor and The Venus Factor Workouts with all the premium video coaching lessons is just a one-time hugely discounted payment of only $97.
Now, I’m sure you’ll agree this offer is an unbelievable value and you’re probably ready to get started!
However, before you do, as another special thank you for checking out this limited time offer I’m going to do you one even better. Today, you’re not even going to pay the massively discounted price of $97. Through today’s special offer only you’re going to get immediate access to everything for a one-time, single, secure payment of only $47.


(you can’t even buy a good meal for two at a restaurant these days at that rate!)
Now, if you’re stunned because you realize this tiny investment for everything is now less than a single session with a personal trainer or even a single tub of protein powder these days hold on a second because I’m not done.
I insist on taking things even a step further for you because I know you’ve been set up to fail for so long it might still be difficult to see yourself experiencing the same real results all of these women have with The Venus Factor.
And because I know you will see similar jaw dropping results as the women you’ve seen today I will not just promise them - I will guarantee them.
Sounds more than fair... right?
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If you don’t experience a life changing, enjoyable fat loss journey unlike anything you’ve ever tried before simply send me an email anytime in the next 60 days and I will promptly issue you a 100% refund.
I will completely protect you with an ironclad 100% money back guarantee so that you risk nothing to claim your new body with The Venus Factor today.


Plus, to even further ensure you experience the quickest, most enjoyable and supportive fat loss journey possible I have one more very special bonus worth $79 that you’ll have immediate access to free of charge when you get started today. It’s called Venus IMMERSION.


Venus IMMERSION is a community of thousands of real women that are either starting their own transformations or have been where you are right now before they found the real answer to weight loss. Like minded women are always there to answer your questions and share support for you during every step of your transformation... it’s also a community where I’m currently able to help women individually, give coaching calls, and much, much more (as you’ll see) to ensure your fastest and easiest results possible.
"I have never seen such a friendly group of girls willing to help each other out."
Kelly Hancock New York, USA Vital Stats: weight lost: 27 lbs. inches lost: 5.75” on waist, 3.5” on hips
I’m 26 and look better than ever. It’s still hard to accept that this is really how I look now. I am super happy with the way I look and am very proud of my body and my accomplishments.
In the past I didn’t look exactly the way I wanted and wasn’t able to keep the unwanted weight off. I would always gain and lose 20 pounds every year. It was depressing, frustrating and exhausting. And now? I have a six pack and slim and toned body that I can sustain all year round, but I wouldn’t be able to do that if it wasn’t for Venus Index Workout and the girls in the community.
The Venus Factor System is created in a smart, but simple to understand and follow way; it’s based on science and math, no BS. Don’t waste another second and get on board and join us too. The program will transform your body.
Results May Vary. See Our Legal and Testimonial Disclaimer
You see, the last thing we ever want you to feel with Venus is alone. And we promise you won’t. Actually, with Venus IMMERSION amazing friendships blossom every week, and in case you’re interested, the girls organize fun Venus Vacations for anyone that wants to meet up which is always a good time! We mean it when we say we’re all here to support you every step of the way.
Get immediate access to everything including The Venus Factor, The Venus Factor Workouts, premium video coaching lessons and Venus IMMERSION 100% risk free by clicking the red "Get Access Now" button below right now to get started.
Remember, everything you’ve been doing up until now has not worked and now you know why. Continuing on such a path will inevitably lead you to even more frustration and greater despair as the weeks pass by and your struggle with your weight gain worsens.
This will continue to negatively affect everything from your relationships with your family, friends and loved ones to your choice of hobbies, vacations and even all the way down to the clothes you wear.
None of this is what I want for you and I know this is not what you desire for yourself. There is another path for you that has been paved with the success of thousands of women that have come before you. A path that empowers you to take control of your weight loss and claim the body and life you desire.

Imagine the moment you step onto this path to the ideal you.

You’re finally on your way to being free of every inch and ounce of useless body fat you’ve been burdened with for so long. At long last, you feel alive, vibrant, healthy and full of energy.
Instead of your favorite foods making you gain weight, your new metabolism now uses them as fuel to accelerate your fat burning results. Each morning you’re bursting with anticipation to step on the scale and see the weight disappearing in the bathroom mirror. You look forward to wearing the clothes you’ve always wanted to wear, and hearing the daily compliments you’re receiving. Your self confidence improves every relationship you have, the decisions you make, and even the opportunities that now come your way.
This is your new path and it’s time to realize it. Turn on your fat burning switch and claim your new metabolism, your new life, and your new future right now. Click the red "Get Access Now" button on the right side to get started.
You’ll be granted immediate access to everything including the extremely limited time Venus IMMERSION bonus. I cannot stress enough how time sensitive this offer is because we’re very close to our maximum membership capacity right now.
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Remember, all of the sensational transformations you’ve seen today cannot be flukes. They are all real women that have been where you are right now before finding the true answer to weight loss - and they are on the inside waiting to help you achieve the same.
And let me remind you, I just don’t promise the similar success and spectacular results like the women you’ve seen today, I absolutely guarantee it. Just don’t delay and come back to find today’s special pricing for this revolutionary system gone forever and the special super bonus unavailable because we’ve reached the community limit which is filling up fast.
Do the smart thing... the right thing. Make today one that you’ll always remember as a great day... a life changing day!
Take advantage of today’s limited time special offer and choose the friendly, enjoyable and guaranteed path to weight loss right now. Click the red "Begin Your Venus Experience" button below right now and we’ll see you on the other side...

Check out what real users have to say about the Venus Factor.

CLICK HERE TO BEGIN YOUR VENUS EXPERIENCE Results May Vary. See Our Legal and Testimonial Disclaimer

Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Venus Factor?

The Venus Factor is the first and only weight loss plan designed to dramatically increase female metabolism and bring out the sexy goddess in you by delivering fast, long term, enjoyable fat loss without restricting the foods you crave most.

Who is The Venus Factor For?

The Venus Factor is for any Woman who is ready to put down the gimmick answers in order to follow a proven, flavorful step by step system for lifelong weight loss. If you want to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body without spending endless hours in the gym or sacrificing your favorite foods or red wine to get it, The Venus Factor is for you.

Are all of these transformations I’m seeing on this site real?

YES! They are ALL real, everyday Women that have experienced life changing fat loss results using the breakthrough female metabolism boosting strategies inside of The Venus Factor. Many of these Women have been where you are right now before they found the real answer to permanent weight loss. In fact, many of these like minded women are now on the inside to answer your questions and share support for you during every step of your transformation.

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But seriously, there are SO MANY amazing transformations. Are they ALL 100% real??

Absolutely! Listen, we know if might be difficult for you to see yourself experiencing the same real results all of these women have. Rest assured, these Women are from all walks of life and have proven time and time again, you CAN do this! With The Venus Factor, you should expect these similar jaw dropping results. And in fact, not only should you expect them, but they’re guaranteed! See below.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

If you don’t experience a life changing, enjoyable fat loss journey unlike anything you’ve ever tried before simply send us an email anytime in the next 60 days and you will be promptly issue you a 100% refund. You are completely protected with an Ironclad 100% money back guarantee so that you risk nothing to claim your new body with The Venus Factor today.

How long before I see results?

Not long at all. You could start to see results from the VERY FIRST DAY. Typically you’ll experience rapid results in the mirror and on the scale after your first week, which only accelerates each week after. We request you take a picture of yourself the day before you get started as the results can be staggering over a very short time.

How long will this offer be available?

NOT long. Our best advice is to take your no risk offer today, so that you get our guaranteed lowest rate and don’t lose access to our very special limited time bonuses you’ll receive to help you lose weight even faster.
It’s an absolute can’t lose.

How do I know it’s safe to use my credit card online?

Credit card security is extremely important to us. That’s why we’ve partnered up with Clickbank to handle all of your billing using their secure socket layer, 128 bit encryption. Frankly, your credit card data is safer making an online purchase through our secure site than it is using it to pay for gas or buy food at a restaurant. So feel comfortable knowing your transaction is 100% completely protected from fraud.
This should be the easiest decision of your life.
You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
Let's Get Started >>

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